So why now, well it seemed like the right time, we have started to work on the nursery and have bought our first piece of clothing. So yes since we are buying new clothes, we are expecting a little girl this time and are thrilled. I was initially unsure on how a girl would fit into our sports filled household but why can't she love sports, play catch and cheer on the Huskers in the Big 10! With each passing day I get more and more excited for a little girl to be joining our lives. The Little Lady Levy is due to arrive on Halloween. This has been a pretty good pregnancy thus far. L3 is active as can be, and has been a trooper at all of her appointments. We are already over halfway done and it has flown by. We will keep you posted as things move forward, but wanted to share our exciting news (that most of you already knew about.)
Thought I would also share our first girl purchase, it will come as no surprise that Ben picked it out and is something her daddy wished they made in his size!