I have thought about sitting down to update the blogs so many times over the last month and a half and somehow (to no mother's surprise) 10 things have ended up taking priority. I love sharing all of the amazing things Samuel is doing and saying, but watching him do them and interacting with him always wins out over me writing my update. This leads me to my second problem which is taking pictures. Ben and I did an amazing job taking pictures during Sam's 1st year but ever since he became mobile, we have taken less and less.
So instead of doing tons of blogs seperating all of the amazing things this summer has brought for our family I am going to try and condense it all into one.
Kansas City has gotten hotter with each day since Ben has been home with Sam, so unfortunately many of the plans they had have been tossed out, but they have traded them in for daily pool adventures, where Samuel tries to swim on his own and daring daddy lets Samuel go down the water slide and jump in the pool on his own. Thank goodness mom has to work and isn't there to see all of the other games I am sure they are playing.
We have been fortunate to take a bunch of trips this summer, to Omaha, Sioux Falls, Okoboji and Tampa. In each city Samuel had a blast, and is always a trooper.
Ben and I spent our 1st vacation away from Samuel in June. Ben and I went to Nevis, in the West Indes for almost a week and had a 2nd baby moon (with work colleagues haha) while Samuel stayed with my mom and Denny. I was so worried on how he would adjust and handle us being gone but besides the 5 minute saddness after we would do face time with the little guy, he didn't even know we were there. My mom and especially Denny were amazing with him. They went to the Humane Society, Pool, Park, Activity Center, Zoo and Butterfly museum. They had a new toy and fun activity planned for every day. I think Sam was bummed when we came home and those days ended. During this week Samuel was also exposed to TONS of food he had never had and loved all of it, no surprise, each thing had sugar. True what they say, Grandma's are great at spoiling their grandchildren. Samuel also slept in longer every morning 8:30-9 took longer naps then he ever does at home (so jealous.) Knowing he was having such a great time, and they were so amazing with him made Ben and I really enjoy our trip.

Samuel with his Grandpa, they became best friends, and our little man that looks all grown up!
Samuel eating a popsicle, and hanging out with his cousins.
Story time at the Sioux Falls library. Samuel met a friend there and they got to read books together, my mom said it was really cute.
As soon as we returned from our trip we spent a week in Okoboji with my Dad and Soon. Samuel loved the big mower and being on the lake, the only problem was he always wanted to drive, which at times became very difficult since I am not the best at driving the boat myself. We were able to swim inside and outside every day it was a fun trip.
Finally, this past week we went to Tampa to see Jiji and Papster (Ben's parents) Samuel had a great time going to the beach and throwing rocks and shells and ridding around in the grocery cart that they use at their condo. Samuel also got to spend time with Jiji and Papsters cat which he loved, and surprisingly this cat liked him too (this cat does not like anyone.) Samuel met some of his extended family and loved playing games with them. Samuel also got his 1st big owie (since his hand incident) that Ben thought he should go to the hospital. Jiji was able to fix it up and its looking better every day. From this he now has learned to say owie and points to it during the day saying it over and over (too cute!)
Samuel waiting for his num-num's (meal) with Jiji and Papster
Sam loved playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean, he doesn't like that he can't go swim alone.
Samuel's great-aunt bought him this swimsuit so he didn't have to wear his life vest, isn't it the funniest thing you have ever seen. You should have seen the spandex florescent green shorts that were attached, he looked like a muscle body builder, HILARIOUS!
Samuel with mom and dad in the ocean, and yes that is my very pregnant 6.5 month belly!
Samuel did great on the plane, thanks to a friend that gave us a ton of advice, you need to have tons of activities (i-pad, books, toys), food, and drinks because as we learned everything lasts for 5 minutes or less. The one rule is that they NEVER get down in the aisle or you will never get them back.
Samuel has had a great summer, full of activities and new adventures. We can't believe Ben only has 2 more weeks at home with him. As for Samuel, he continues to grow like a weed, and be as active as possible. With this crazy heat and non-stop moving he has actually lost a few pounds bringing him back to just over 30lbs. His personality continues to grow with every day, and is so fun for Ben and I to watch. My heart melts with everything he does. He is the sweetest, kindest little boy, that has a daredevil/sneaky side. He is so helpful and at times a cuddler, but then he will give you a look with his big blue/gray eyes letting you know hes about to do something he shouldn't and he thinks its hilarious! It is so hard for Ben and I not to laugh when this happens, and we think he knows it.
Fun at the park with Dad.
Isn't this precious, they are so sweet together, and so fun to watch them interact.
This summer has been amazing and allowed my current pregnancy to fly by. All is going great with that and only a little over 11 weeks until Samuel will have to share the spotlight with his little sis. We are soaking up every minute we can with this guy before she comes and trying not to spoil him too much!