I can't believe 5 months have come and gone. Ben and I used to think we were busy before Sam, but now we know a whole new meaning of busy. Samuel is at the point where he wants to be entertained all the time, and always do different things. His favorite thing right now is just having air blown on him from a straw, he squeals and laughs and seems shocked each time it happens. He never likes to sit still and we think if he had it his way he would stand all day every day. He seems like he really wants to crawl now too, he is putting his butt in the air and pushes down and he moves his arms but not all at the same time. I think it will be a while before he figures out the right combination. We are still trying to get him to sit on his own, he can do it for a while but then falls over, or as the parents as teacher lady tells us he is at the weable wobble stage. She told us to do the lay down, to sit, to stand, to help him get used to the different positions, and when we do it he pops right up and locks his legs so he doesn't have to sit down again, it is too cute but definitely not helping us practice sitting much. Here he is sitting playing with his duck.
Samuel has also found some new friends Mylar balloons. I bought Ben some balloons to congratulate him on his new job, but they quickly became toys for Sam. He loves looking at them, grabbing them and having them brought up close to his face. I think he could stare at them all day! Both Ben's mom and my mom got him more balloons and he just can't seem to get enough.
And as a progress update, we still have no teeth, but you wouldn't know it by all of the symptoms he has and the love for chewing cold things, or really anything. His gum line is so hard, and ridgity that I think it must be close, but who knows at this rate.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mother's Day
Three generations - Jeannette, Ben and Samuel
Hanging out at home with Samuel and Ben playing games all day is my new version of a perfect day.
Doesn't that smile just melt your heart? I used to think I was going to be the disciplinarian but if Samuel flashes one of these I think I could be in for trouble.
This week was another new adventure. Samuel wasn't sleeping very well (not that he was ever great at it) so we went to see our pediatrician, and got some exciting news. Samuel is teething!! He is getting his 2 bottom teeth and they should pop through in the next few weeks. However this is why he may be having difficulty sleeping, but at least we have an answer. Samuel also weighed 17lbs this week, gaining almost an ounce a day! Here is Samuel chewing on a frozen toothbrush to help with his teething, a trick my mom did with me. I think the bristles and cold feel good on his gums. Here he is chomping down.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma
Happy Birthday Grandma!
We wish we could be there to celebrate with you, but wanted you to know we were thinking of you and love you more than all the stars in the sky!
We hope to see you VERY VERY soon.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Jet Setter
This past week Ben, Samuel and I took our first family vacation. While this was a work vacation we were able to do a ton of things just the three of us. Before leaving I talked to friends and family about what the "must" haves were for our trip. Thank you to everyone, as it was a perfect trip and we had all the things we needed. Our trip started at 7:25 am which was the normal time Sam wakes up and thought this could be interesting getting him off of his schedule from the get go. However he was a perfect angel. He slept on all 4 flights and people on each flight couldn't believe how well behaved he was. One woman on our 1st leg sat up after the flight and was shocked to see a baby sitting behind her. The vibrations of the plane put the little guy to bed, and no ear problems going up or coming down. Here we are sitting together on the flight.
Once we got to the Bahamas Sam woke up and was bright eyed for almost the entire trip. He seemed to love all of the colors and couldn't stop looking around him. We brought his stroller and this was the 1st time we had used it without the car seat and he seemed to really like it. We also used his carrier a lot so that he could see out as we toured the grounds.
We spent the rest of the trip on the beach and in the pool. Sam really liked to be carried out in the water as long as it didn't go above his neck. This is the biggest bath tub he has ever seen and just wanted to hang out. He liked it when Ben would take him out and spin him around, and have him lay on his back in the water. The pictures don't do it justice, but seeing and touching sand was very interesting for him, he was fascinated with it, and couldn't seem to figure it out.
The water definitely tired him out, because as soon as we would pull him out of the water and lay him on his towel he would pass out. Here is him in his stroller which was perfect to have him sleep in by the pool.
In addition to all of these new adventures, Sam had his 1st non-family or friend babysitter. Miss Eunise was amazing, Sam loved her and was such a great experience. She watched Sam on three different occasions and each time we came back he was asleep or smiling/laughing with her. It definitely gave us confidence to start having a babysitter at home from time to time.
Everyone from work loved Sam and he was passed around all week, and he loved being the only gig in town. They also had a professional photographer there that got some great pictures of us. Each time he met someone he would be very serious for the first few minutes, being his typical "shy guy" but then once he felt comfortable he broke out the smiles. It was so fun to see him interacting with others. Even the hotel staff got involved. Each day we ate at a breakfast buffet and I would carry Sam around with me while I got my food, so he could see everything, he LOVED looking at the colors of the fruit! But on the 1st day while we were getting our food he spit up and it got on the floor. I ran to get a towel and when I came back the staff was cleaning it for us. This started us talking, they met Sam and we got to know a lot of the staff and for the rest of the week when we came in, they all smiled and said the Gerber Baby has arrived. His chubby cheeks are impossible not to love. Overall, this was a perfect first vacation for our family and we can't wait to do more and go back to Atlantis when he is bigger and can enjoy all of the water slides and activities. We definitely want to take advantage of it while we can, I can't imagine when he is walking and we try to fly, that will be an adventure. Here are more pictures from our trip.
1st moments of Sam and dad in the pool
1st Picture of Samuel in a swimsuit
Sam and Dad washing off the sand, and Sam shocked when the shower got him right in the face!
Sam playing with his telephone during the rain on Monday afternoon
Samuel in the ocean for the 1st time
Last, I wanted to include a picture from today, Sam was in his first 5k today and it was really cute. We went out to support some friends and a great cause and Sam even beat his mom on the race!
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