Today, Samuel had his first eye exam. In Missouri (and probably everywhere else) you can take your child to get an eye exam between 6-12 months of age and it is free. To be honest I was a little nervous about this appointment because sometimes his eyes seem to go in a little bit. They shared with us that babies eyes are almost their full size at birth, so you see a lot less of the eye when they are young and so it often looks like they are looking in when they are not. After all of my worries, Samuel passed with flying colors and has great eye sight (whatever that may be at 7 months.) This picture is a month old when I went in to get my new glasses we tried some on Sam, and even though they are adorable I am happy we won't need them.
This weekend was a fun one for Sam, he got to play with his buddy Luke a couple of times, and meet a new little lady and he was smitten with her. Harper was an adorable little girl that we met through Luke's parents and our little shy guy was not shy around her. While all of the
kids were playing on the ground she got a little sad and so Sam put his hand on her shoulder to let her know it was going to be okay. I can't believe I didn't have my camera it was really cute. And so our little shy guy was just fooling us, if this is a sign of what is to come, we are really in for it.
Then on Sunday, we went out to our friends lake home so Sam could have some pool time with Luke. Luke is about 6 weeks older than Sam and crawling everywhere which seemed to puzzle Sam. Anything Luke would do, Sam would try to do too which we think is great for him to push himself. Unfortunately, as Luke crawled out of the pool Sam could only hold onto the rings and watch from the sidelines. This makes me excited about daycare where kids will be older/more advanced than Sam, so it will push him to try new things.
From the lake, to the pool to his own bathtub Sam loves the water. Every time he gets in he gets just a little bit more adventurous. Two weeks ago we started putting Sam in his own bathtub alone and he thinks its great. He stays in there as long as we let him, and comes out looking like a little prune. We are glad that he loves the water so much and can't wait to take him to the activity center pool at our gym we think he is going to go crazy with all of the activities. Here he is just hanging out in the bath.
Sam giggling in the bath after he splashes himself!
Sam just chilling with his toys.
And as a food update, Sam tried peas and didn't seem to be to upset. We also tried organic baby food for the 1st time and he really seemed to like it. HELP, why does my child not like my food! But what we know will never fail is still the pickles, he would love to eat them all day long. We are going to start fruit this week as well, keep your fingers crossed that he likes this a little more.