Monkey's have been a fixture in our household for over a year now, but Ben and I have never seen one cuter than today when our little man dressed up as a monkey for Halloween. We thought that 15 minutes would be all we would get of him in his costume, but surprisingly he didn't mind it at all. We didn't have many trick or treaters and the ones we did have came by golf cart, is that the new trend that I am unaware of? I couldn't believe it that they were all over our subdivision. When we were at home waiting for the tricker treaters Sam actually started digging through the bowl until he found the nerds, it was so cute it was like he actually knew what he was looking for. Here are some highlights of Sam's 1st Halloween.
Sam's halloween pj's that he wore to daycare on Thursday for spirit week.
Sam excited about his puppies wanting to be close to him.
Two monkey's just chillin' in Sam's room
Sam with just a few (we have tons) of his toy monkey's
Sam guarding the candy
Sam finding his pink nerds, he dug through a lot of candy to find those.
Outside being silly with the pumpkins.
On Saturday we got together with friends to watch the Nebraska vs Missouri football game, and also to help them celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Congrats guys on your 1 year wedding anniversary. We were all pretty nervous for the game, we weren't sure if the pee wee Nebraska team that played Texas or the black shirts of the real Nebraska would show up, so it was good that Sam provided some much needed stress relief until Nebraska showed us they were here to play. My friends brother was great with Sam, he loves being around bigger kids and learning from them. Dwight and Mallory looks like you guys have a perfect babysitter all ready to go, only 8 weeks left.
Brandon and Sam rolling around giggling
Sam trying to figure out if the game was ever going to end!!
On Saturday we got together with friends to watch the Nebraska vs Missouri football game, and also to help them celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Congrats guys on your 1 year wedding anniversary. We were all pretty nervous for the game, we weren't sure if the pee wee Nebraska team that played Texas or the black shirts of the real Nebraska would show up, so it was good that Sam provided some much needed stress relief until Nebraska showed us they were here to play. My friends brother was great with Sam, he loves being around bigger kids and learning from them. Dwight and Mallory looks like you guys have a perfect babysitter all ready to go, only 8 weeks left.