Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Monkey's have been a fixture in our household for over a year now, but Ben and I have never seen one cuter than today when our little man dressed up as a monkey for Halloween. We thought that 15 minutes would be all we would get of him in his costume, but surprisingly he didn't mind it at all. We didn't have many trick or treaters and the ones we did have came by golf cart, is that the new trend that I am unaware of? I couldn't believe it that they were all over our subdivision. When we were at home waiting for the tricker treaters Sam actually started digging through the bowl until he found the nerds, it was so cute it was like he actually knew what he was looking for. Here are some highlights of Sam's 1st Halloween.
Sam's halloween pj's that he wore to daycare on Thursday for spirit week.
Sam excited about his puppies wanting to be close to him.
Two monkey's just chillin' in Sam's room
Sam with just a few (we have tons) of his toy monkey's
Sam guarding the candySam finding his pink nerds, he dug through a lot of candy to find those.
Outside being silly with the pumpkins.
On Saturday we got together with friends to watch the Nebraska vs Missouri football game, and also to help them celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Congrats guys on your 1 year wedding anniversary. We were all pretty nervous for the game, we weren't sure if the pee wee Nebraska team that played Texas or the black shirts of the real Nebraska would show up, so it was good that Sam provided some much needed stress relief until Nebraska showed us they were here to play. My friends brother was great with Sam, he loves being around bigger kids and learning from them. Dwight and Mallory looks like you guys have a perfect babysitter all ready to go, only 8 weeks left. Brandon and Sam rolling around gigglingSam trying to figure out if the game was ever going to end!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Anything I can do, Sam can do better!!

So my little shadow has also now become my copycat! Everything I read tells me to expect a copycat and we sure have one. If I bounce a ball he bounces a ball, if I hit cups together he does it and now he only wants to eat what I eat, so tonight I decided to let him try my corn on the cob and I thought he would reject it, since corn is his least favorite food, but by the pictures you can see not only did he copy me, he LOVED it! I just had to share this funny story!

Also, this week is "spirit" week at school in honor of Halloween this weekend and today was Crazy Hair Day, and here are some pictures of Sam's hair. All the little kids in their room had their hair done, one little boy even had his hair spray painted it was so cute to see. Tomorrow is dress up like a scarecrow, not sure how we are going to pull that off.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

300 Amazing Days

Today is our 300th day with our little guy. Samuel turned 10 months today. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone, and how much we love him. There is nothing better for Ben and I than the sound of his giggle or his ear to ear smile when he's excited. He really has taken on a personality all his own and even though sleeping in used to be one of my favorite things, I love getting woken up at the crack of dawn to the sounds of him babbeling in his room and then going to get him and seeing him standing up in his crib smiling and waiting for me each day!!
And today when Sam got home he showed us he really is a big kid. Sam took 4 steps on his own, and was so proud of himself. Before today he would only take one step and then get very nervous and sit down and for some reason today he decided to try moving the other foot and he did it!
Happy Birthday little man, we love you more than all the puffs in the world!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

No Smiles for Samuel

If you stop by the Levy household this weekend this is probably the face you will see on any of us. We just think Sam is the cutest at it, so thought we would share his picture. First on Saturday, Nebraska had a terrible loss, and then today the KC Chiefs lost in the last seconds of the game!! But more than that Sam had his last swimming lessons. He really started to enjoy his Saturday morning routines and made some friends too! The exciting news is that he past the 1st level and now will be in level 2! We will start swimming lessons again in the spring when the weather is warmer.
Ben had a fun Saturday. While Samuel and I were at swimming lessons he was running the KC Marathon for the 4th time. He ran the 1/2 marathon with a good friend and they did great. We are really proud of him and wish we could have been there to cheer him across the finish line, maybe next time.
We have been having some great weather in KC and we are trying to spend as much time outside as possible. So since Samuel is loving to walk with his walker, but runs into the stairs, coffee table and wall every 5-10 steps we thought we would take to the streets. Samuel gets to walk up and down the street until his legs can't walk another step and he never has to run into anything. This is one of those times we LOVE living in a quiet not busy sub-division.
Finally, Sam had his 9-month pictures on Wednesday. I think there will be some really cute pictures but very few with him smiling. Its tough to have a stranger take pictures of your 9-month old when he has stranger danger to anyone who comes in his house. We think we may have gotten a couple of smiles, but he was really working his darnedest not to show us his big grins that he gives mom and dad all the time!
Here is a copy of Samuel's school pictures, they did a great job.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Adventure

A week rarely goes by these days without a call from daycare telling us Sam has had another accident. This week the call was a little more serious than the rest. Usually one of his teachers calls us, but this week I received a call from the director of the facility letting me know that Samuel had pulled a chair back on himself and had a large goose egg between his eyes that was black and blue. They told me they didn't "think" he had a concussion. I said you "think??" he doesn't have a concussion, but sure enough as soon as I got there, you would never even have known he had an accident minus the large welt on his head. He was a little out of it for the night as the picture below will show but other than that all is good. The swelling has gone down and the bruise is a little lighter but still visible. Should make for some interesting pictures tomorrow!!
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Then this past weekend Sam and I joined Luke and his parents for an afternoon at the pumpkin patch. These places sure know how to draw you in and then get you hooked for the entire day. Not only is it a pumpkin patch, its also an activity center, petting zoo, and animal race track. We had a good time, but I think Sam would have preferred me not to have put him in jeans and a jacket in 85 degree heat. By the time we got there we lost the jacket and by the time we left his pants had become shorts! Sam loved seeing the pigs, goats, horses, chickens and llamas. We let Luke and Sam stand outside the pig pen and try to pet them and the pigs sniffed them and even lick them a few times and then sure enough one of the pigs got adventurous and tried to take a nibble of Sam's hand. Now I know pigs do bite!!
Here they are pre-pig nibble!
I tried to push Sam in the wheelbarrow but as you can see each time he just wanted to climb out.
I think by this time the boys were done with taking pictures!!
Can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch next year when Sam can walk/run and find his own pumpkins, those things are HEAVY!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Then today Ben had gotten all of us Starbucks and Sam thought it would be fun to take my cup and try it (thankfully by that time I had already finished.
We had a great time with Grandma this weekend. Stranger Danger happened again, but ended quickly, when silly grandma was around. It is fun to see them together, my mom has so much energy but I think this weekend she may have met her match. Our little mover and shaker kept her pretty busy. Here is a video of Sam moving around the house.