Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Adventure

A week rarely goes by these days without a call from daycare telling us Sam has had another accident. This week the call was a little more serious than the rest. Usually one of his teachers calls us, but this week I received a call from the director of the facility letting me know that Samuel had pulled a chair back on himself and had a large goose egg between his eyes that was black and blue. They told me they didn't "think" he had a concussion. I said you "think??" he doesn't have a concussion, but sure enough as soon as I got there, you would never even have known he had an accident minus the large welt on his head. He was a little out of it for the night as the picture below will show but other than that all is good. The swelling has gone down and the bruise is a little lighter but still visible. Should make for some interesting pictures tomorrow!!
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Then this past weekend Sam and I joined Luke and his parents for an afternoon at the pumpkin patch. These places sure know how to draw you in and then get you hooked for the entire day. Not only is it a pumpkin patch, its also an activity center, petting zoo, and animal race track. We had a good time, but I think Sam would have preferred me not to have put him in jeans and a jacket in 85 degree heat. By the time we got there we lost the jacket and by the time we left his pants had become shorts! Sam loved seeing the pigs, goats, horses, chickens and llamas. We let Luke and Sam stand outside the pig pen and try to pet them and the pigs sniffed them and even lick them a few times and then sure enough one of the pigs got adventurous and tried to take a nibble of Sam's hand. Now I know pigs do bite!!
Here they are pre-pig nibble!
I tried to push Sam in the wheelbarrow but as you can see each time he just wanted to climb out.
I think by this time the boys were done with taking pictures!!
Can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch next year when Sam can walk/run and find his own pumpkins, those things are HEAVY!!

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