Where has time gone. I have meant to update this blog so many times, but haven't had enough time to sit down a put all of our great adventures down on paper (or blog.) We had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday and were able to enjoy it with all of our family. This year more than ever we are thankful for our family and feel so blessed to have Samuel as the newest addition to our family. We started our adventure in Iowa with my father and Soon and enjoyed our first ice storm of the year and Samuel's 1st Thanksgiving.
Samuel was Papa's helper for Thanksgiving. He is a great taste tester!
Samuel met Papa and Nana's puppies and he loved how small they were. He even tried to pick them up.
We then made our way to Sioux Falls to have our 2nd Thanksgiving with my Mother and Denny's family. By this point in the day Samuel our mobile man was a little tired of being strapped in all day and force fed pounds of food every 3 hours. It was fun to see him try so many new foods on one day, and in typical Sam style he loved it all!
We were able to have some good family time, another play date, and Samuel and I met a good friends new baby girl Alex, she is adorable. Samuel rode around with his buddy Rylan while I just held Alex she is so precious. Sam then got to meet Brynn another potential wife for Sam and he seemed very smitten. It was a great day of meeting new friends.
Samuel and Rylan riding his truck
Samuel with Brynn and Isaac and then the kids with Sarah, Maggie and I.
Then on Saturday we went to Omaha for our final Thanksgiving with Ben's family. Samuel got his first interaction with a cat and seemed very intrigued until it batted him away, I think we will stick with dogs for now. Samuel got to spend time with his Aunt Jessie and he had tons of fun.
It was a great holiday weekend, and Sam was a trooper on our 15 hour journey.

Sam is doing really great, he is walking around and we think he may grow up to be a track star because his favorite thing to do is laps around the house. Every house we go to or even when we are at home he makes laps around the furniture, over and over its really cute. No words yet, but he loves his babbling, and I am working really hard, but every time I try Sam just laughs at me. Samuel's 1st birthday is in 2 weeks and we can't believe he is going to turn one, where has all of the time gone. While I am so excited to see him grow up, I would love the little man to stay just the way he is right now. We hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving, and feel blessed for having every person in our lives.
Sam was a big help cleaning all of our clothes after our long trip!!
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