In my last post I talked about all the amazing ways Samuel was interacting with Sydney, by holding her, talking to her and even putting a boat on her head, but this past Wednesday it went EXTREME! Samuel and I were playing with change that he had and he was putting it in his pockets and moving it from one pocket to the other, and then he decided to share it with his sister. Sam looked at me and said "Sydney, money mommy." I looked at him and I am not sure why thought/realized he had just put some of his money in Sydney's mouth. Sydney was laying flat on her back, and quicker than I could say "oh *#!p)" my finger was half-way down her throat pushing a penny against her throught and pulling it back up. I don't know who was more scared her, or I, or Samuel who began crying because I was screaming. I got the penny out, thank goodness, and she began crying and screaming. As a mother I have never been more scared, and nervous about what just happened and was she going to be okay. Sydney calmed down after about ten minutes and then passed out. I don't think she had ever cried that hard, we actually had our 1st tear during this event. As the day progressed she was unable to be settled, and wouldn't eat (which is very unusual.) So we went to the doctor and they sent us to Children's hospital because they thought she may have swallowed more coins. I had never been to Children's before and it was more than I could have expected. Every person there was wonderful and so good with the kids. Sydney had to have 3 X-rays and they were so gentle and actually gave us a copy to take home. After the x-ray I was pretty nervous about what the results were going to say, but the doctor came in and explained that if there were other coins inside she would lite up like a christmas tree, and thankfully she did not. She was free and clear of all coins, but they did say she had lots of bruises on her throat. She has recovered well and gotten tons of love from us and her brother (who has no idea he did anything wrong.)
As an fyi.. I learned nothing smaller than a toilet paper role for Sam when he is around Sydney.
Here is Sydney's 1st X-ray scan, such a scary day!

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