Friday, December 2, 2011

One Month!!!

Sydney has turned 1 month and Samuel only has 1 month until he is to, we can't believe it. The last 4 weeks have been (tiring) but the best of our lives. Ben and I constantly are smiling from ear to ear watching our children grow, and interact with each other. Samuel loves his little sister so much, the first thing he asks in the morning is "baby??" and then he runs downstairs without doing his usual routine, runs in our room and climbs up on the bed and looks at her in her bassinet and says "hi baby!" and then just watches her. Throughout the day he asks to hold her, sit by her, and lay with her. He gives her hugs and kisses, and now has picked her up and tried carrying her (something that makes us very nervous, he doesn't go far!) He tries to share his drinks and food with her to, I don't know if this scenario could have gotten any better. It almost feels like Sam thinks she has been here the whole time so nothing is different.
Sydney turned one month last week, and is really beginning to grow. She is a lot more alert during the day, beginning to sleep better at night, and starting to see our first real smiles from her. She is such a wonderful little girl (I can't believe we hoped for a boy, she is just what our family needed.) She is very different from her brother, she likes to sleep in her bassinet and he hated it, she is a babbler non-stop and he was mute, she smiles, he was stone face and the list goes on. She has already got her daddy rapped around her finger, if she makes a peep he jumps up, which is so cute to see.
And Samuel turns 2 years old in just under a month, where has the time gone. These days you can usually find him, climbing and jumping off any and everything, eating non-stop, ordering his dogs around, watching you-tube video's, riding his tricycle around the living room and playing with his sister. Samuel is in love with Sydney and tries to carry her, role her over, and feed her all the time. While he usually always has a bruise somewhere from jumping off something he never seems to mind, this kid is the happiest toddler on the block (pun intended!) Since I am now able to work out again I have been doing work out videos at home and it is hilarious to see Samuel join in, he thinks he is a natural. I am still amazed at his capabilities with the iPad and iPhone. Sam can turn it on, find the you tube videos and play them, select new ones, and stop ones he doesn't like. He loves horses, phonic videos, and anything with kids especially America or England's got talent he never stops laughing. But FYI moms, if you leave them for even a minute they can click to things I didn't know you tube would have, horses mating...... enough said!
Ben's parents were also able to come and meet Sydney over Thanksgiving. It was great to see them and they really enjoyed being with the two kids. It is sad that they live so far away but great when they come they get to spend good quality time with them. Samuel got to go on daily walks with his Jiji and Papster, and Sydney couldn't get cuddled enough from her Jiji. We will get to see them again in two weeks when they come for the birthday and Christmas.
Here are some pictures of the kids together and the top two are Sydney at 1 month and Samuel at 1 month, can you tell that they are siblings?
They look a lot alike but Samuel has Ben's eyes and Sydney has mine. And yes, that is a boat on her head that Samuel put there for her!
This kid loves to smile for the camera now, and tries to walk around taking pictures as well. She loves to just lay on her back and look around.
Ben trying to stay interested in the 4-year old Shakira dancer for England's got talent!
Sydney in her bassinet all swaddled up
Samuel trying to pick Sydney up, she doesn't seem so pleased!
Samuel and Sydney sitting together listening to books.
Sam's up in his bed taking a nap and here is the rest of my family a typical Sunday at the Levy's!

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