We felt it. I have been wondering for the last few weeks if the many feelings I have been having are little kicks by our son. I now am sure that it exactly what I have been feeling. Our son is incredibly active, and moving all day. I try to tell Ben it feels like the kicks of a future soccer player but he just laughs. When I got home from Austin on Wednesday Ben and I were sitting on the couch and he was able to feel his son kick for the first time. Ben beamed from ear to ear and was yet another moment that made this experience even more real for him. It makes me so excited to see his face when things like this happen.
Before this week it had been pretty unnoticeable that I was pregnant. Noone has yet asked me in public and I have been able to continue wearing regular clothes. This week was a whole different story, the bump has appeared. It is amazing to wake up in the morning and see the bump and know that our son will be here in 4 short months. I have also started talking to our son throughout the day and including him in family discusssions.
My friend talked on her blog about people touching her stomach during pregnancy and how odd it is as no one touches your stomach when you are not pregnant. In addition, my friend told me Elizabteh Hasslebeck also talked about this very subject on the view last week. I couldn't agree more with them and have not had to deal with it much (yet) but last night was the 2nd time when a complete stranger found out I was pregnant and dove right in and I had to stop him before he began rubbing in circles.
Then this weekend my highschool girlfriends came to town. It was great to see them and catch up with all of them. A lot of them have children and were able to give me some great advice. It is great to get "real" moms perspective on things and what to really expect. Thank you girls for all of your help!!
We are going to try and go register this week, I will keep you all posted on how that scary project unfolds.