For the first 28 weeks of my pregnancy things were going pretty smooth minus the nausea and dry eyes, but this past week Little Levy told me it was time to slow down. This past week we were actually hospitalized for a few days because of some complications. The great news is that Little Levy has been perfect and healthy throughout it all. I have been on bed rest this week, which has given me a lot of time to read and organize things for little Levy's room. We went back to the doctor a couple of times and things are looking great and back on track. I think this was a wake up call for me to start slowing things down. Sometimes I forget that I am taking care of a little baby in addition to myself with everything I do. The doctors and us would really like to see him stay inside for atleast another 6 weeks. But because of all of the tests we were able to get another high-definition sonogram and find out more about Little Levy. Currently, he is between 2.5 and 3.0 lbs, and has long arms and legs (definitely the Levy in him.) He is at the 50% and right on track, which gave me a little piece of mind that we weren't going to be having the 10lb baby I have been so worried about. The picture looks like he is talking to someone (definitely the Frigo side of him.)

I need to also thank our friends and family for all of their support this past week. It makes me feel so lucky to have such great people in our lives. We didn't have to lift a finger all week, friends made us great dinners and ran errands for us. Ben has also been a champ and so supportive throughout it all, really taking over anything I was doing to make sure I relax.
Then this weekend my mom and Denny came to visit and again we were spoiled. They came down and took care of everything. They did lots of projects for us to help get ready for Little Levy. The biggest help was new shelves in our garage so we would have room for the stroller, jogger and all of his other toys. They worked all day and all night. They also got us (Ben) a brand new grill, I think they thought Ben needed a gift since Little Levy and I were getting all of the attention. Thank you so much mom and Denny for all you did, we are so thankful.
Here is my latest picture, which is crazy to look at what a difference a week can make.