My first baby shower was AMAZING!! The shower was last Saturday and I can't believe it is just now that I am updating my blog. Christy, Gina, Karen, Kate, Katie, Tara did an awesome job, from a diaper cake to wonderful food it was a great day. The picture above is some of the girls helping me cut one of the best tasting cakes I have ever had. They did a jungle theme which was really cute and creative. It was so great to catch up with so many of my friends in Omaha, and made me realize this is really happening. All of the gifts were wonderful, the girls got us our car seat so we actually bring little Levy home (a critical item) and so many people actually made something on their own which was amazing. The picture below is an incredibly soft and gorgeous blanket that my friend Kate made. I love it, and feel lucky to get one of the 1st in what I hope blossoms into another career for her as she is great at making these items.
And then we did games and I started to get really nervous. It was obvious of the mothers in the room as they won all 3 knowledge games. With each question my heart started to beat a little faster. Did you know that the 19lb baby last week was not the largest the largest baby actually weighed 23 lbs and 10 oz. (are you serious??), or that 1 woman had 69 children in her lifetime......WHAT!!!! And finally that little Levy is born without kneecaps, and actually has 300 bones?? I only got 5 of the questions correct and have nightmares that he is going to be a 23 lb baby. But as everyone left my mom reassured me that everything would be okay. I feel very lucky to have such a great example of a mother in my mom. At the end of the day I know if I love little Levy like she has unconditionally loved me that Little Levy will be just fine!! Thanks mom for all you have done.
So glad you like the baby quilt! I enjoyed making it for you. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. I can't wait to meet little baby levy.