Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family in Waiting

We are 39 weeks, and you guessed it we are still waiting for Little Levy to make his debut. I have never been a very patient person, but this is like torture. As most of you know I am a VERY type A person and I do not have the means or tools to understand what is going on. Normally, when a difficult situation arises, I assess, figure out my options and what I need and then execute. Unfortunately, when I did that with trying to get little Levy to arrive I have come up unsuccessful. And yes, I have tried it ALL!! I have read all the websites, blogs and ideas in books on how to induce your own labor and all have failed. The only thing I have not tried is acupuncture which I may consider this week. People at the gym think I am crazy. I am there for hours every day trying to walk this guy out of me, but with no success. Hopefully it will help with my recovery. What I should see is that we are fortunate that he has stayed in this long as he has, as he could have arrived 10 weeks ago. Ben keeps reminding me that his ACTUAL due date is still 6 days away which is true, but I can't handle it anymore, not because I am uncomfortable because for the most part I feel great, I am just so excited to meet him.
On another note, our doctors appointment went well and we are still right on track she thinks he is still in the 7.5 lbs range and has a heart rate of 130-140. My doctor actually told me she was surprised she didn't get a call from us over the weekend while she was on call. We did however discuss the idea of having a resident appear in the delivery room when he does arrive and she promised me it will not happen.
I guess I am just so excited to meet our son, see what he looks like and start the next chapter in our life, that I am impatient. I have been talking to him for so long I really just want to get to do it face to face. But we are in the home stretch and within 10 days he will be here.
Ben and I have also gotten to continue our empty nest activities. We are eating out and seeing lots of movies. If you need any suggestions on what to see with your family over the holidays just let me know, we've seen em all!!
Ben and I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends, and that 2010 is full of happiness!!

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