This weekend we had to say good-bye to Samuel's favorite sleeping place, his swing. In the past we didn't always buckle him in because he didn't move around, but in the last few weeks he has become a moving machine. Due to all the movement we began buckling him in, but when he is swaddled the buckle doesn't fit, yes its true a 3.5 month old does not fit in his swing! We were only using the swing for naps these days but during his 3rd nap on Thursday I came in and saw what no mother ever wants to see. No he was still in his swing, but in a very different position than I had left him. That was all we needed to put an end to our naps in the swing. He is doing okay taking his naps in his crib, but it is definitely a change. Here is a picture of Samuel only 6-days old in his swing (hasn't he changed, he was so tan and his hair was so dark!)
Samuel's 3-month pictures were on Wednesday and we can't wait to see how they turn out. Ben has been sick for almost a week and on Wednesday Sam began to show signs of being sick as well. While Julie was at the house, Sam did not smile, frown, cry or pretty much do anything. He was so lathargic, we think Julie could have done anything and he would have just sat there. While the pictures won't show the smiles we see each day, it definitely will document his 1st cold.

The this weekend we had our 1st Easter together, and while it was just the 3 of us and we miss our families so much on holidays it was a great day. Samuel was a perfect angel at mass, and so content during the day. It was such a gorgeous day we tried to spend time outside. He loves being outside and just looking around. He gets big smiles when the wind blows across his face.
And today marks 10 days until I have to go back to work. When I started my maternity leave I felt like it was going to be such a long time before I had to go back, but it has truly gone by in the blink of an eye. Each time I start to think about it my heart races a little bit, and I hold Samuel just a little bit tighter. While I only have to go back for 2 days a week until June, missing just a few days with him seems awful. But I know many mothers (mine included) had to go back to work and it didn't change a thing. I look forward to reading more than nursery rhymes and children's stories, and having the challenges work brings. The balance will come with time and we are so thankful that until Ben is done with school a good friend and Ben's mom will be here to help!
Samuel in his Easter Best!
Sam and I outside the house, and as usual he has his hands in his mouth.
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