Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day for the Memory Book

Last night in anticipation of Father's day Ben and I began talking about how different are lives are 1 year later. This time last year is when we began telling everyone we were expecting and also when we began this blog. We knew life would change but for me, seeing the changes in Ben has been one of the best parts. I have always felt lucky to have Ben as my husband but seeing him as a father brings it to a whole new level. Seeing him interact, play and just hang out with Samuel is so much fun for me.
Ben has been staying home with Samuel over the Summer with his time off and to be honest at the beginning I was nervous. I thought Sam was going to watch every Cubs game, nap on Dad's chest everyday versus his bed and never do tummy time again, but I was wrong. Recently, I have had to travel a lot for work and it is amazing to me the stories I here. Every day Ben sends me pictures of their daily activities or a new outfit Sam is wearing. I get stories on how Samuel crawled across the floor to reach Homer, he now only takes 2 naps and is sitting with no assistance. They are best buds and you can tell. Ben admitted that he wasn't sure how they would fill their days, and was nervous for their 1st overnight together, but now he considers himself an old pro. Seeing how he has jumped right in and taken this on makes me feel so lucky, but more importantly I feel lucky for Sam that he has such a great father that is so involved in his life.
So for all of that, today was Ben's day and we did exactly that. Everything we did today was Dad's decision. We got up with Sam went to breakfast, and came home and went for a nice walk before it got to0 hot. Then when we got home Sam took a nap and dad got his daily fix of MLB on playstation. Then we just chilled at the house (ben's favorite activity) and then the boys both took another nap. After that we went to the plaza walked around and had dinner. After putting Sam to sleep, Ben and I are able to spend some time together (today is our last day together until July 5th!!) Though we missed seeing our exteneded family and wish we could have all been together, having a relaxing day just the 3 of us couldn't have been better.
We want to wish all the dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day and say a special
to our fathers for all they have done for us over the years. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives.
And an update for Sam, we have TEETH!! Over the past two days Samuel has started to get his 2 bottom teeth. He is taking it pretty well, but his gums are black and blue and he is not sleeping to much as I think the pain is waking him up. Also, we tried our first "real" food other than rice and oatmeal. Sam had carrots on Saturday and today, and wow does he HATE them. The 1st batch was worse than the 2nd and now he is taking them down a little better, but it was so funny to see the kid who will eat anything spit out carrots and start crying if you tried to give him more. We are hopeful it will be an acquired taste but for now, Cereal and Oatmeal are his favorites!

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