Another week down and even more exciting a week closer to meeting little Levy. We are now on weekly doctors exams and we were able to get some of our big questions answered? How big do we think he is, when do we think he will come and what if he doesn't come on time. Well I say we got answers but truly we got a lot of "I think" or "maybe" from our physician. She thinks he is close to six pounds and we have made progress to the finish line, but as all of you mothers know and I am learning that doesn't mean a whole lot. We did decide that if he does not come on his own we will be inducing on December 29th at 8am. That means we will definitely have little Levy here to ring in the new year we can't wait.
Even though we are still waiting we are having a lot of action with little Levy. I have had 2 days of greater than 6 hours of contractions, nothing to painful but we believe he is getting ready to come. These contractions aren't very painful but I can definitely feel them, and worry what the real thing will bring.
Our bags are packed!! I finally found pajamas for the hospital and decided to put all of our things together. I got snacks for Ben, and even brought his swimsuit (who would of thought that would be on the list.) We also have a very special outfit for little Levy that my grandmother knitted for him, that is so special. He also has matching booties, and I am hoping to knit a hat during my time off.
That brings up the other exciting news, I have 5 days left of work and I can't believe it. I love what I do, but I am excited to have time away. I am hoping to not come back until mid to late April which will be 4 entire monts. I will miss it, but will make the most of my time off.
Sorry there isn't a picture of me this week, Ben went up to Minneapolis this weekend to see the Vikings play the Bears, some what of his last getaway before little Levy arrives. He has had this trip planned for a while and I think now that it has come that also makes little Levy's arrival that much more real.
Stay tuned... I promise a new picture next week, and if you didn't think I could get any bigger you were mistaken!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Nursery
This was my last week of travel for work, and I am over the moon that it is done. Driving and flying were getting to be too much, but the idea of not leaving Kansas City for atleast the next 2-3 months seems crazy. I don't think I have done that in the 4 years we have lived in Kansas City. This weekend was perfect it was the most relaxing weekend I have had in months, and I loved it.
We saw the years best movie on Friday "The Blind Side" and then went to a nice dinner just the two of us. We spent Saturday finishing our shopping for little Levy and putting together all of the wonderful items he will need once he is here. I was amazed at how handy Ben has become, while I could barely get the batteries in the monitors.
The room is done and we have put together the swing, and loaded our car seats. I am scared to say it, but I think we are ready!!
I have included pictures of the nursery for all of you to see. It turned out better than we expected. We have one empty wall as you will see from the pictures and this is four our first
family pictures and other pictures of little Levy in his first few days. I hope you like the nursery and if you look closely you can see the name we have selected for little Levy's. Even though he could be here in just a few weeks it will probably be some time before he spends too much time in his new room.
Monday, November 16, 2009
KC Baby Shower
This week was also my last baby shower. Erica and Molly threw a great finale to Little Levy's showers. She had a spice cake made, that was to die for, I am thankful that I was busy catching up for people or I may have eaten the entire thing. All the women at the shower gave me a piece of advice to remember after he arrives. Thank you to everyone for your advice, I will try to sleep when the baby sleeps, not get stressed over the small stuff and remember its not just
Little Levy and I in the house I have a husband that lives here too.
It looks like little Levy is ready for his debut with all of his adorable clothes and items, I don't think its possible to be more prepared on that end, and its all because of our great friends and family that we are so lucky to have.
My mom was here this weekend as well and brought us a bassinet that moves and plays music, which I love, it matches the nursery so well. This bassinet takes care of 2 of the 5 S's for little Levy all on its own (how great is that!)
Overall, I am feeling wonderful not too much pain and I am still sleeping really well. I can't believe he will be here in just over a month, where have the last 8 months gone. I am putting the last touches on his room so should be able to put up pictures of the nursery next weekend.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Starting to Practice
This week we had another check up and everything is right on track with Little Levy. We are really glad things are starting to calm down a few weeks ago we weren't sure we would get to this point with how busy Little Levy was keeping us, but we made it to 32-weeks. In my mind and when talking to friends this is the point in that I felt if we could get Little Levy to he could do the rest. His heart rate was 142 and seems to be growing at a good pace (no not too large).
On Thursday my friends that I play volleyball with threw me a mini surprise baby shower. It was a lot of fun and really sweet of them. I can't believe that with 8 of 10 of them being guys they could do such a great job, but my friend Anita told me she rained them in or I probably would have gotten a 6 pack of beer. Thanks everyone I love it all especially the "butt paste."
This week is the first week in months Ben and I have both been at home and not had company. We were able to go to a wedding of some good friends of ours and relax for the rest. I have started reading my baby books about what to expect when Little Levy arrives. I can only read for a little bit before I get to anxious and have to put the book down. These books have great tips and insight but they also scare me with how little I know and after about 30 pages I have to put them down and Ben reminds me we will be just fine. Below is a picture of "James" Ben's cabbage patch doll as a kid that I pulled out of the closet today to use as a practice baby. YES, we are practicing with a fake baby or better I am practicing and I think Ben thinks I have lost my mind. Within the first 10 seconds both of our dogs started sniffing James feet and couldn't figure out what I was holding. Then I tried to swaddle the baby (which I am definitely not a natural at) and the dogs wanted to sit on the blanket and be wrapped up with James. But, it was cute to see the dogs sniff James head and then get down and sit right beside me like they were trying to protect James and I.
Overall, things are coming togehter and we are great. We are getting really excited to meet Little Levy and can't believe he will be here in just around 50 days. 
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