During my last post I told all of you that we were going to have Samuel's 2-month check up on Monday and I wanted to give everyone a follow-up. First, we had really bad weather on Sunday that caused Ben's school to cancel class on Monday so he was able to come to the doctor with us. The appointment went really well. Our doctor had another new book for Samuel, Petter Rabbit, which I loved as a child. This is sure to become a household favorite. Samuel weighed 12lbs and 14oz on Monday which is in the 75% (boy am I glad he grew this much after he was born, I can't imagine what he would have weighed had I gone full term or a week over.) Samuel was 24 inches long and a head circumference of 16 inches. The rest of her check up was great and reassured us everything is on track, and that he is very strong and pushes his legs down when standing and does a good job holding himself up (with A LOT of assistance.)

Next came the really dreaded part his 3 shots! I got nervous as soon as she walked in the door. She got him to the edge and holded him down. She gave him the 3 shots back to back and WOW did Samuel scream. I don't think I have heard that loud of a noise since the day he was born. He had 3 cute little band-aids on his leg and then it was all over. It was horrible to see him so sad and in pain. We left there and went to run some errands and thats when I started to notice that he wasn't his usual self. He was as white as a ghost and extremely fussy/in pain. I tried all the usual tricks but nothing was working. We called the pediatrician and she had us give him some Tylenol and try to feed him. After that he was out like a light and when he woke up you could tell he was still in pain. That maintained until today when he started acting like himself again. I can't believe how much pain they caused him, poor little guy. After seeing this, I am dreading his 4-month visit.
Here is Samuel in his 1st overall's and it is so cute, the picture doesn't capture it enough but he looks like such a grown up boy, I had to share.