Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Months and Moving On Up

Samuel turned 3 months yesterday! I can't believe how quickly this time has gone and that he is now a quarter of a year old. At times when I look at him I can't believe he is 3 months but when I hold him he feels like he is 6 months or older. He is really starting to explore. This picture shows the way we try to hold him so he can see out and everything around him. He loves it.
He always wants to see what is going on around him. And even though we look at the same things in the house for the 30th time, to him it all seems new. I have begun to take him to the gym with me to walk on the track and he loves it. He stares at everything for about 30 minutes and then passes out from exhaustion. The doctor told us they would like to see Sam double his birth weight by 4 months but we are pretty sure he has already passed that mark.
Ben and I decided since my maternity leave is starting to wind down and Samuel is three months old and too big for his bassinet we needed to make the move from our room up to his own room. I have been dreading this day for a while but knew it needed to happen. Putting him in his crib he looked so tiny in comparison. The past 3 nights have been filled with mixed emotions. The 1st night there were multiple factors that happened including an alarm that went off at midnight playing nursery rhymes, and let me tell you if you are sleeping and woken up to nursery rhymes playing in the dark it is very unsettling. Sam has made the transition as well as can be expected, with a few extra wake ups at night. I hope over the next few weeks we work those out because I don't think I can handle these sleepless nights while working. Overall he seems to be adjusting well and enjoying his own space!
Here is a picture of Samuel doing what he loves, sucking on his hands. Anything you put within reach he loves to suck on these days. Its so cute.

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