Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dad's Looks and Mom's Personality

When people meet Samuel for the 1st time or haven't seen him in a while the first thing they normally bring up is who he looks like. About 99% of the time they say Ben and as he gets bigger I see it more and more. People ask if I am sad or bummed that he doesn't look like me, and I am definitely not I think he is so cute just the way he is. But each day as we learn more about his personality, I see he acts just like me. He talks non-stop (definitely a Frigo trait), loves to meet new people, but most of all he LOVES his schedule. Sam is a really happy baby that loves to do just about anything as long as it doesn't mess with his schedule. Even daylight savings yesterday threw him for a loop! I am excited that he has both of us in him, and I pray that he becomes a little more flexible as he grows (for his sake.)
This weekend we spent a lot of time at home with Samuel, and ran some errands for him too. We had thought his first trip was going to be to Seattle in July, but he is now going to the Bahamas with us in April. To go to the Bahamas you need a passport even if you are 4 months old. Ben and I aren't sure what he could do but instead of protesting we went and got Samuel's passport, his picture turned out so cute, and then we went and got him his first swim trunks, sun hat and other clothes for the trip. Samuel loves baths so I can't wait to see how much he will like the pool and the ocean. We had to get him some bigger onesies too, he now wears 6-9 months.
Finally, its Samuel's Papa's (My dad) birthday today, and he is in France so we wanted to wish him a very Happy Birthday and hope he has a great time with the family.
I included some funny pictures of Samuel's morning routine.
Samuel 1st thing in the morning.
Samuel smiling that he gets to get out of his tight wrap!
Samuel stretching for the 1st time in the morning,
so happy to have his arms back.
Sam staring at his black and white pictures in his bouncy
while I work out. He doesn't let us leave him here long,
he wants us to play with him if we are around.

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