Next, surrounding the ladies, I have a question I wish I knew the answer too. Since Samuel was born there have been multiple people that have told us he is so pretty he could be a girl. Now let me ask, what in the world does that mean? So does he look like a girl, are boys ugly? I believe in my heart that they think Samuel is a good looking boy, but seriously boys are cute and girls are cute. In my mind you don't need to be cute to be a girl. So if you have heard that and know an explanation I am all ears. Does this face look like a girl?
Last, I have been a worry wort of a mom about my son and him rolling over. I used to believe in "knowledge is power" but when it comes to a baby that is far from the truth. I worry if it says he should be doing something for his age and he hasn't. Really, rolling over doesn't need to occur until 3 months according to "What to Expect in the first Years" but that is only 2 weeks away for us. Well all worries aside Samuel rolled over 3 times today. I think I pounded my chest a few times, when it had nothing to do with me at all. My good friend reminded me that no one will ask him at his first interview when he rolled over and that is what really matters. I am going to try and stop stressing and let Samuel be Samuel and save my Type A personality for work and not for raising my child!!
It's kinda funny about the cuteness. I agree with you. I love seeing the babies smile and it seems like their eyes' sparkle then. He is beautiful!