Today was the last horah for Ben and Sam. Ben starts full-time into his new job at Blue Valley High School and Samuel starts daycare/school. Ben and Sam had such a great time together this Summer, going to the pool, reading hundreds of books and of course playing Sam's favorite game peek-a-boo!
I am so sad it has to end, but the great thing is they get to do it again next summer! Samuel starting daycare is a day I have been trying to prepare myself for, for months. On one hand I am very excited for him to go to have the interaction with kids, which will challenge him and also expose him to some great new things but also sad that I can not walk out of my office during the day and see our little guys smiling face trying to crawl up the stairs or reading a book with dad. With everything, this will get easier with time. I went into his daycare on Friday to bring his things ahead of time and workout his schedule with his teachers and Sam loved being with the other kids. He jumped right in and I think may already be smitten with a little girl in his class. This gave me a good piece of mind that everything will turn out great.
This weekend my mom and Denny came to visit and as usual Sam had a great time with them. We are so glad that they made the trip down to see us, and my mom got to see Sam in the pool and she agrees he is a little fish. Denny and my mom also babysat for Ben and I so we could have a date night which was long over due. Usually, when my mom and Denny come down she spends a lot of time reading to him, and showing him different things, but this trip he was ready to show off all of his new tricks. Sam showed Grandpa and Grandma that he can stand on his own, pull himself up, feed himself and now is trying to get to the sitting up position from his stomach. We were sad when they left but already looking forward to their next trip.
This week I was able to meet Emily Ann, Angela and Clint's new baby girl and she is a sweetheart. We can't wait for her and Sam to get together. Sam also had another new friend born today, Josie Ann, congrats to Jamie and Joe.
Here is Sam's new smile, its like he is trying to smile soooo hard he begins to grind his jaw or something. So cute!

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