Sunday, December 27, 2009
Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Samuel Joseph Levy

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Family in Waiting
I guess I am just so excited to meet our son, see what he looks like and start the next chapter in our life, that I am impatient. I have been talking to him for so long I really just want to get to do it face to face. But we are in the home stretch and within 10 days he will be here.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
38 Weeks
We also had another baby shower this week. Ben's school threw us a very nice baby shower on Friday after classes. We got a lot more monkey toys, books and clothes for little Levy, and received some amazing hand made blankets that are the softest things I have ever felt. It was great to get to meet the people he works with every day.
Our doctors appointment this week was pretty uneventful. Things are right on track, but from what she can tell he is growing very quickly. Don't know for sure how big he is, but she said she thinks he was around 7 or 7.5 lbs. on Wednesday.
Ben and I are really trying to live these last few weeks up. Seeing movies, going to nice dinners and just relaxing at home with not a care in the world!!
We hope we have some news for all of you in the next 10 days, so keep your fingers crossed. I am such an impatient person that not knowing each day when he will come is exciting, but so hard!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Full Term - 37 Weeks
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Our Bags Are Packed
Even though we are still waiting we are having a lot of action with little Levy. I have had 2 days of greater than 6 hours of contractions, nothing to painful but we believe he is getting ready to come. These contractions aren't very painful but I can definitely feel them, and worry what the real thing will bring.
Our bags are packed!! I finally found pajamas for the hospital and decided to put all of our things together. I got snacks for Ben, and even brought his swimsuit (who would of thought that would be on the list.) We also have a very special outfit for little Levy that my grandmother knitted for him, that is so special. He also has matching booties, and I am hoping to knit a hat during my time off.
That brings up the other exciting news, I have 5 days left of work and I can't believe it. I love what I do, but I am excited to have time away. I am hoping to not come back until mid to late April which will be 4 entire monts. I will miss it, but will make the most of my time off.
Sorry there isn't a picture of me this week, Ben went up to Minneapolis this weekend to see the Vikings play the Bears, some what of his last getaway before little Levy arrives. He has had this trip planned for a while and I think now that it has come that also makes little Levy's arrival that much more real.
Stay tuned... I promise a new picture next week, and if you didn't think I could get any bigger you were mistaken!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Nursery
Monday, November 16, 2009
KC Baby Shower
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Starting to Practice
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Baby Moon
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Words of Wisdom
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Time to slow down
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Omaha Shower

And then we did games and I started to get really nervous. It was obvious of the mothers in the room as they won all 3 knowledge games. With each question my heart started to beat a little faster. Did you know that the 19lb baby last week was not the largest the largest baby actually weighed 23 lbs and 10 oz. (are you serious??), or that 1 woman had 69 children in her lifetime......WHAT!!!! And finally that little Levy is born without kneecaps, and actually has 300 bones?? I only got 5 of the questions correct and have nightmares that he is going to be a 23 lb baby. But as everyone left my mom reassured me that everything would be okay. I feel very lucky to have such a great example of a mother in my mom. At the end of the day I know if I love little Levy like she has unconditionally loved me that Little Levy will be just fine!! Thanks mom for all you have done.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
26.5 Weeks
This week we also had a mural artist come out and paint a mural in the nursery. Can I say better than life. Ben and I couldn't have asked for anything better. I feel like she was in my mind and did exactly what we were looking for. The nursery looks so cute and the monkeys are just perfect. I will send out pictures soon as we get more done. If you want to do something different she is amazing and I would recommend her to EVERYONE!!
Last I want to apologize in advance to all of my friends for my frequent panic attacks. I feel like any time I read the paper, or look on TV there is another story of a freak accident with a pregnant woman or newborn child. I am starting to worry about the silliest of things but I can't seem to help myself. So thank you to each of you that has listened to my crazy stories and supported me through my alternate personality.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yellow it is...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
24 Weeks
Then this weekend I was able to go to Minneapolis to help throw an engagement party for some great friends. We are so excited for Christy and Wade, they are such a great couple. It was great to catch up with friends and get their input on the many decisions I can't seem to answer and I think they even helped me finalize little Levy's name. Ben and I were down to 2 names and I couldn't pull the triger but they helped me weigh the pro's and con's of each one. Just remember ladies if Little Levy grows up and doesn't like his name its on you too (JK!!)
Finally, yesterday we went to Lowes and USA Baby. We selected a paint color for the nursery and then were able to select Little Levy's 1st baby bedding. USA Baby had a fun sale that if you told them you were going into labor (because of the Labor Day Holiday) you received an additional 10% off of your purchase. Thanks Sarah for the tip. We ended up picking out bedding that we hadn't seen before that we love, and will be fun for little Levy. We decided on a jungle theme, and should have pictures to share soon.
Feels good to have some big decisions out of the way!! Stay tuned for more.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Little Levy takes on France
Friday, August 21, 2009
Can't Hide it Any More
On another note, today is Ben and I's 5 year wedding anniversary. This is a great milestone but even more than that it is a point in our marriage when so much is happening and changing. We are so excited about our new addition that I feel like I didn't do much for today (sorry Ben.) As most of you know I am pretty independent and don't rely to much on others, but this pregnancy has changed all of that. I ask him questions for support and verification that I have never done before and he is so patient with me as I ask the same question for the 100th time that day. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have a husband like mine that is so caring, supportive and funny.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Week 21
Sunday, August 9, 2009
5 months complete!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It's a BOY!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Five Days Until The Big Surprise
Sunday, July 19, 2009
17 Weeks
We had friends in town for the weekend and it was great to spend time unwinding and really good for me to not spend endless hours on the internet or at baby shops trying to figure out what we really need. I am beginning to see how quickly babies take over your life and how excited we are for our little one to join our family. 12 days left until we find out if we are having a boy or a girl, and Ben and I can hardly wait. I am beginning to think it may be a boy now, but Ben still believes it's a girl.
Today we went to look for engagement invitations for friends of ours that are getting married next year. As we looked for invitations we realized this was a great place to look for baby names. We found a lot more ideas and names that we loved, and even names we had never seen in the baby books or on-line. If you have any new names let us know!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
4 months complete!!
We are now 16 weeks pregnant and at this point we may begin to feel little Levy moving and kicking. Ben and I can't wait for this to happen after all of the ultrasounds we have had with little Levy rolling around. Our little one is now the size of an avacado and growing quickly which is having me headed to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. One of the many joys of pregnancy.
This weekend Ben's parents came to visit and again little Levy is getting spoiled. Ben's Mother brought his baby books from his first few years and it is really exciting to see pictures of him as a baby and what our little one may look like. He was 9 pounds 2 ounces at birth a really BIG baby. We also begun hanging the clothes little Levy has and they are so cute. We feel so lucky for our little one to have such amazing grandparents that are so loving and full of excitement to meet their first grandchild.
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July
We were also able to spend this past weekend with a lot of friends in Okoboji for the 4th of July. It was great to see my dad and spend time with friends. Sure isn't the same as last year but got to spend time with my friend Maggie's son Isaac and made me so excited about the coming months. He is adorable, Jeff and Maggie you definitely hit the jackpot! Also our friend Gina was so sweet and didn't want me to feel left out so she made me my own virgin pomegranite sangria it was great, even though she tried endlessly to get me to taste other beverages (you know what you did ha-ha!) And finally for all who haven't tried it the people of Boji Boats got their first taste of the "Lebomb Shots" truly a first in my book.
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Week 14
We were also able to celebrate Ben's first father day last weekend. We went out to breakfast and tried to come up with more names for the baby. If you have any ideas please send them on, we have a lot of ideas but haven't been locked into any of them. Ben is getting more and more excited with each day, and this baby is so lucky to have a father like him.